Thursday, November 27, 2008

Looking for OPB's In House?

If you happen to have arrived here while in the midst of searching for some combo resembling "OPB" and "in house" then you've come to the right place-- well, almost. Fact is, what you see here is a relic, a never-to-be-updated-again dinosaur from the pre-OPB days (and given all of the now-dead links in the previous post, it seems some updating was in order).

So then, In House is the weekend radio arm of opbmusic, the online musical venture started by Oregon Public Broadcasting in June of 2007, with a 24/7 musical web presence that followed in November of 2007. This presence includes a continuous music stream, streaming archives of the most recently aired editions of In House, and on-demand streaming archives of scores of in-studio sessions, some of the most recent featuring John Vanderslice, Joan as Police Woman, Jolie Holland, Xavier Rudd, The Real Tuesday Weld, and more. In House, meanwhile, airs Saturday and Sunday nights from 8-11p. (PST) on the stations of OPB, including 91.5 in the Portland area. Got all of that so far? Good.

To sum up: In House is currently headquartered here, opbmusic's frontpage can be found here, and in-studio session archives are here. I hope that clears up any confusion there may have been.

That is all.
Site retired.
Signing off.
(Psst...come on! What are you waiting for?)

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

A New Home for In House

Admittedly, it's been a while coming, but you can now hear In House on its new home, Oregon Public Broadcasting. OPB is one of the most successful and respected pubcasters in the country, and it's an affiliation of which I'm humbled to be a part. We'll air Saturday and Sunday nights from 9pm to midnight (pacific time) and will also be streaming live here. We're also now streaming Laura Veirs' in-studio performance from our June 30th debut, with plenty more of those to come. Additionally, the change brings with it a new blog location, OPB Music, which means that posts related to the show at this location will stop-- although there may still be some music related content here from time to time. I encourage you to stop by the new digs and join in the discussions we'll be having there, or just say "hey." Thanks for listening.

UPDATE: Live in-studio sessions with Rocky Votolato, the Avett Brothers, Jesse Sykes & the Sweet Hereafter, James Low, Bishop Allen, Langhorne Slim, Blitzen Trapper, The Shaky Hands, Gill Landry, The Veils, and Jonatha Brooke are now posted for your listening pleasure at the OPB Music blog. More to come!

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Live: Bishop Allen
Doug Fir, Portland, OR 8/3/07

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

More to see here.

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Monday, August 06, 2007

Lee Hazlewood, 1929-2007

The legendary singer-songwriter-composer-character died Saturday after an extended battle with terminal cancer. His most recent effort, Cake or Death, (out in the U.S. early this year) saw Hazlewood going out on his own terms, including appearances from Tommy Parsons, Bela B., and his grand-daughter, Phaedra. He was 78.

In House #1769 (Originally aired last December, featuring Hazlewood's Cake or Death)

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Conversation with John Vanderslice

JVWe spent some time recently with San Francisco-based musician, producer, and all-around nice guy John Vanderslice. He talks film, photography, and Emerald City, the new album out last week on Barsuk.

Stream: A Conversation with John Vanderslice

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Live: The National
Berbati's Pan, Portland, OR 6/28/07

The National @ Berbati's Pan, Portland, OR  6/28/07

The National @ Berbati's Pan, Portland, OR  6/28/07

The National @ Berbati's Pan, Portland, OR  6/28/07

The National @ Berbati's Pan, Portland, OR  6/28/07

Plenty more to see here.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

The In House Blog Goes On Hiatus

No posts for a while, kids, as we move our operations to (literally) greener pastures in the Great American Northwest. Live streaming is still available here weekdays at 4pm mountain standard time. Thanks for listening.



New Blitzen Trapper Video: "Devil's a Go-Go"

From their recent Wild Mountain Nation onslaught.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Menomena Video: "Rotten Hell"

From this year's friend & foe release. This pretty much rules.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wilco Live From AOL: "You Are My Face"


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In House #1877: The Hold Steady in Boise Tonight

The Hold Steady

In House #1877.
Airdate: 5/24/07
Focus: The Hold Steady with The Heartless Bastards in Boise tonight, plus Patti Smith covers The Decemberists, and new music from Buffalo Tom, Superdrag, and more.


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